Monday, February 29, 2016

Professor’s Picks

I’ve already seen a few Cinequest movies this year, all comedies, and the best one was “A Beginner’s Guide to Snuff.” It’s a dark comedy that shows on Friday March 4 at (9:45 p.m.) (Hammer), on Sunday March 6 at 7 p.m. at (Hammer) and again on Friday March 11 at noon at Camera 12.

A Beginner’s Guide to Snuff” was funny in a dark comedy sort of way. Another recommendation would be the comedy shorts. The good thing about seeing shorts is if one of them is not good then it’s over in 10 minutes and there is another one.

Cinequest runs from March 1-13 in downtown San Jose. See the website for more information. Your paper is due at the first class meeting after the film festival ends March 13.

 Answer the following questions in your one-page paper:

What did you think about the movie?

If this movie was released in theaters to a nationwide audience do you think it would do well at the box office? Why or why not?

Describe your first Cinequest experience. Any surprises above and beyond the movie?

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